Monday, July 2, 2012


 This is something that really bothers me a lot and I want to know if I am wrong in this.  Whenever I hear the phrase "accept Jesus into your heart as your personal saviour" I cringe inside!!  The Bible never, ever uses any phraseology like this anywhere.  Jesus was the saviour for the entire world!!  All that is required of any individual is to believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be!  Can you imagine Peter, Paul, and John in the book of Acts using that phrase?  Can you imagine Paul in his writings and preaching using that phrase?  I can't!  And to me, this phrase is a misrepresentation of the true meaning of salvation.  Yes, our God is a personal God, and that in itself is an awesome thing. But salvcation comes by being BORN AGAIN.  Nicodemus, a very educated man, had much difficulty with this concept, but Jesus was very clear in His statement "You MUST be BORN AGAIN".  What does it mean to be born again?  It means that your sinful nature that you were born with has been replaced with the Spirit of God, who comes to live inside of us the moment we believe beyond any doubt that Jesus is the everlasting Son of the One and Only True God.  Time after time in the book of Acts the disciples answered the question, "How can I be saved?".  The answer was not, "Accept Jesus into your heart as your personal saviour"!!  The answer was simple..."Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you and all your household shall be saved"!!!  It took me 43 years of life to finally discover this truth.  And at that moment I was truly re-born.  At that very moment I KNEW that the Word of God really was the Word of God!!!  All or most of my life I was a firm believer in science and evolution, but at that moment I knew that everything had been created!  I actually saw the old sinful nature.  It was dirty and filthy and like a dirty mud pit full of nasty creepy crawling things and worms of every sort and blood sucking leeches and centipedes and all kinds of things that only live under rocks and in filth. This is what I saw in comparison to the Holy nature of God.  I truly knew and saw that I was indeed ( as Isaiah says) a man of unclean lips.When God meets you in His Holiness, suddenly you see what you really are!  At that moment, the filth of the sinful nature was replaced by the new nature.  I truly was born again!!!  At that moment I knew that ALL my sin, and sins, past, present, and future were absolutely forgiven and gone forever never to be remembered by God any more!!  Was I asking Jesus to come into my heart and be my personal saviour?  No, and no again!!!  All I did was believe with my whole being that Jesus was, and is forever, the son of God!    Amen


Hi everyone,
    I've been thinking again!!  Imagine that!  Well, here it is:
                   Should we blame all our sin (and sins) on Adam?  It occurred to me this morning that, instead of blaming ourselves and building up a mountain of guilt that we get buried under, we should maybe place all the blame on Adam.  Because of his disobedience to God and his acceptance of self over God, he was thrown out of Paradise and allowed to wallow and live and die in this selfish, sinful state, separated from God.  And we are all his descendants, born outside of Paradise.  Born with the selfish, sinful nature.  Born separated from God.  We cannot help ourselves.  We sin because we are following our nature.  'Sins' are the fruit of this natural state.  I blame you, Adam!  I place the blame on you for disobeying God and allowing me to be born in this awful state!  My only fault was not realizing for 48 years that I was living separated from God!  But when God met me I saw a vision of that innate sinful nature that all mankind is born with.  And it was pure evil and filth.  The only way I could see that sinful nature was by comparison to God's Holy Nature which I recieved a fleeting glimpse of at the moment of my conversion.  It was the same glimpse of the totality of God's Holiness that Moses saw when he approached the burning bush and was told that this was Holy Ground.  It was the same glimpse of God's Nature that Moses could not gaze upon when he recieved the ten commandments, and his entire physical appearance was transformed.  It was the same glimpse of the Holiness of God that Isaiah saw, and as a result of that glimpse he cried out, "Woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips."  Instantaneously Isaiah saw the nature of pure Holiness, and it brought him to his knees as he saw the evil sinful nature in comparison.  Readers, when we briefly get a glimpse of God's Holy nature we are instantly changed forever.  We see the nature that Adam chose over being with God in Paradise.  And our spirits cry out in agony, "WOE IS ME".  Blame Adam.

               Please read Isaiah 6: 1 - 8.  I know you will be blessed by this passage!